How to book?

If you found us directly, feel free to book with us directly. However, if you are using or have a relationship with travel professional, you can schedule your itineraries through them as well. We pride ourselves in being reliable partners with travel companies worldwide.

In order to book our services, please send your request by email to: or fill the enquiry form from the 'Contact' page.

We will need the following information:

  • your name,
  • the number of people in your party,
  • the tours and the dates you wish to book,
  • where you will be staying (hotel or apartment address and telephone number)
  • and if you wish an airport pick-up, your flight arrival number.

Please also give us some details about your tastes and special requirements so we can adapt your itineraries accordingly and provide you with the best possible services.

Once you agree with prices, tour descriptions and schedules, we send you a booking form by email (as attached 'pdf' document) for you to print, fill, and fax (or e-mail) us for the confirmation and payment of our services.

You don't have to give your card information 'on line', your fax arrives directly to our office and is secured. In case you don't want to send your card information, you can send a wire payment instead.

If you pay your tours in cash, we will need your Visa or Mastercard number only to guarantee our services.